Womens’ Work


44 Arvilla (1)

We have

Given birth to, set the table and  fed a nation.  We have fought in wars; domestic and


We hold down jobs, bring home the bacon (cook it) and raised families.

We have sacrificed our health and well-being so that others may thrive.

We have learned from our experiences and we, the women survive.

We’ve been told

We are not smart enough.  We are not strong enough.  We are too young. We are too old.

Wait your turn.

We have been beaten. We have been sexually harassed and abused.

We’ve been told be good. Don’t tell.

We do not

Value the measure of a person simply by the balance of their  investment portfolio or the

power they hold.

Nor  do we pre-judge a person by age, the color of their skin, religious beliefs or sexual


We  know every human has worth.


We Must 

Work to ensure our government is reflective of all the people it serves.

We must step up and become those people in every level of government.



It is time 

Women take a seat at the table.